Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Behind the Curtain: The Addictive Gene

(What follows is in no way intended to be flippant, but rather a genuine wonder.  I know the topic is a serious one)

Part 1.  The Question and The Seriousness

I remember listening to the radio program Love Line when I was in high school.  The show was a drive-by counseling session for people struggling in relationship and addiction problems, with Dr. Drew Pinsky doling out the medical rationale and suggestions, referring the majority of them to local professionals or support groups.  As Pinksy spoke with addicts and drew their conflict out, the audience usually learned that one or both of the caller's parents were also addicts of some kind.  That the 'addictive gene' had been passed to the caller, and it was now their demon to manage for the remainder of their life.  Knowing little to nothing at all about the science of addiction, last week a question bubbled in my mind:  Can someone be an addict without the addictive gene, or is that particular gene present in everyone?

For instance:  Can someone without any history of addiction in their family become an addict?  Are the destructive ones such as alcoholism, eating disorders, drug problems, gambling, etc. directly related to the presence of that gene?  Perhaps the gene has been passed along the family line for some time and didn't manifest in anyone until that one person was unfortunate enough to awaken it?  And please take this grand scientific wondering of mine with a grain of salt, for my various attempts to understand the worlds of science invariably end with headaches, frustration, and poor grades.

Part 2.  Me.

Why the hell am I thinking about this?   Because I've wondered if I'm addicted to certain things in my daily life.  If they're actual addictions, if there is a such a thing as a 'healthy addiction' (which honestly doesn't make much sense), if it's just compulsive behavior, a strange habit, or something else entirely.  Listed below are some of those 'things,' both present and past.

-Soft cookies.  Impossible to ignore, and now I don't even bother fighting the impulse to eat them.
-Exercise.  I'm now into that irrational space where I feel like an utter slob if I don't maintain my routine.
-World of Warcraft.  I cut free of this one some time ago.  I played that game wayyyyy too much.
-Certain TV shows.  Some of you know that feeling.  You happen to miss that one show that you count on all week, you're pissed.  Currently, missing an episode of 'Lost' is not an option for me.
-Eating the same dish at your favorite restaurant every time you're there.  This one is strange.  You go to your favorite restaurant, let's say once every month or two.  How often do you try something different?  I always eat the same incredible thing, not because I'm worried the other items won't be good, but because the feeling of going to that restaurant and missing out on that meal is somewhat terrifying.

As always, thank you for being patient with my wonderings...

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