Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Several things, including wallpaper.

So you visit the internet, peck around in various different places, and usually, read something.  Invariably, that "thing" you've just read has some space for some sort of commenting.  Some fancy rating scale such as "Golly That's A Neat Article!" or "Jeepers I Don't Agree With That And You Get a Thumbs Down!"  Or, an empty comment awaiting the words of its readership to pile in.  My question:  Why are people so damn angry about everything?  And why do the well-known, fancy news organizations even allow people to comment?

It seems that disagreement breeds contempt in those places.  They all usually start the same way, with people thanking the author, agreeing with or conceding the point, adding their own unnecessary and unrequested anecdotes, or auditioning their god-awful stand-up material. 

Then, someone disagrees.

Rather than offering counterpoints, everyone gets defensive or clever, the patience vanishes, things are thrown and broken while screaming, and the entire thread becomes a therapy session.  The anonymous nature of the commenting allows the anger to blossom and if you're unlucky, you may even forget what the original article was about.  It's frustrating.

Maybe that pink river of anger-inducing slime from Ghostbusters 2 is for real.  Someone should check on that.

Wallpaper is a terrible idea.

Please stop.

It won't make the room look cute or "different."  Actually, it makes the room look ugly.  It's a huge pain in the ass.  And really, it just ruins everything.  So, please stop.

Something discussed at work yesterday:

Isn't it time someone redesigned the tissue box?  On the one hand, those massive extra-sized boxes are a comforting sight when you're sick, but when the box is half empty, and you reach for one, it has the potential to completely destroy the next several minutes of your life.

Because you want one.  Your fingers scrabble on the top of the soft white pile of tissue for the seam.  That's not working, so you look into the box, and either you don't see the seam, or it's at the far edge.  So, you lift your eyes with this new knowledge and try again, and it still isn't working as you'd hoped.  Now you're pissed, you grab an entire pile and rip them out of them box, take your one, and leave the rest sitting on top of the box, which looks tacky.

So, you important thinkers and planners out there reading this, please send some unsolicited ideas to Kleenex to help them remain on the cutting edge of snot removal.

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