Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good things for those left waiting

This is troublesome. The entrance into the magical realm of People Who Compose Web Logs, or The Bloggers, seemed so much more exclusive than this vast empty page below. Also, I was admittedly hesitant to ever begin one of these for the following reasons:

1.) Neither my wife nor myself possess the necessary technology to become a regular member of this community. We don't have cellphones, we don't use Facebook or Myspace, Twitter is anathema to us, and our television doesn't have those three fancy A.V. jacks on it.

2.) I don't know enough people to make this exercise beneficial.

3.) No one really gives a damn. They're just bored, or humoring me, or accidentally wound up here due to some Internet Mishap. But more than likely, they're bored.

At any rate, I'll do my utmost to keep this somewhat topical and updated. I'd hate for the one person with the Internet Mishap to get here and not find something clever or puzzling to look at. The Blog may full of empty, pallid, nothingness for some time until I figure things out a bit more, but I will make one promise to anyone reading this:

I will strive with each and every post, update, or comment to not be that guy that people huddle and whisper about when he leaves the room, claiming, "That guy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground."

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