Thursday, November 19, 2009

Best Things (continued)

I placed three single issues above just about everything else this year.  There are some wonderful continuing series that I'm attached to, but I wanted to keep this section from rambling too much.  And yes, they're all from DC because I enjoy their product better.

-Northlanders #20: Sven the Immortal
One of my favorite characters defending his family and his legacy.  This also happens to be one of the best continuing series out there.
-Green Lantern #43: 'Blackest Night' prologue
Rare is the issue that genuinely creeps me out.  Writing, art, pace...everything here is perfect and disturbing.

Grand Prize Winner Due Mostly To A Single Page:
-Superman: Secret Origin #1
Another re-working of an icon's beginnings that works wonderfully.  Scene:  Clark runs through the Kent's cornfields sobbing and terrifed when he learns of his true home and family on Krypton.  Jonathan and Clark find one another and embrace on a page that was done so incredibly as to make me catch my breath.

Best Top Secret Information... to be shared sometime after Thanksgiving.

Best Legacy Moment:
Comcast On-Demand is a magical thing.  A random search resulted in my oldest boy falling in love with a group of heroes which makes me intensely proud:

Yeah.  He sings the intro, acts it out with his Sword of Omens, uses Tygra's bolo whip, and even makes the 'shew-shew' sounds of magic bursting through the air.  His coolness reached a new peak this year.

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