Friday, January 1, 2010

Wishes, Plans, and The Failed Resolution

In late 2008, I decided to make my resolutions for 2009 realistic and manageable and primarily food-related.  I was never a fan of the grand New Year plans that had so many moving parts and were so susceptible to being torn apart by the chaos and change of everyday life.  There were a few larger ones that I kept to myself, but the smaller ones were all mostly accomplished.  For instance:

-As stated previously, I now adore avocados.
-I ate raw oysters.
-I cooked for dinner or lunch parties more often.
-I tried artichokes (yes, I had never eaten those either...back off).
-I attempted to create new recipes.  Some worked wonderfully, while others found a quick, violent end in the trash or garbage disposal.

The one food resolution that I didn't accomplish:  try a sample of the ridiculous ice cream flavors at the local shop.  The bubblegum, the cotton candy, the pistachio and such...their garish colors have always frightened me and made the enamel on my teeth itch.  Regrettably, I never made time to conquer that one.  Maybe next year.

The 2010 batch I will keep mostly to myself.  Were I to lay out all of my smallish resolutions and not follow through on some, I'm certain that the legions of people reading this thing would think me a selfish, lazy bore.  And I do so desperately crave everyone's approval.  A few that I will share, however:

-Convince as many people as I can to refer to this year as "twenty-ten."  Short and aerodynamic. "Two-thousand ten" is clunky, unnecessary, and a clear indication that whomever saying it that way is a complete tool.
-Give olives a fair chance.
-Make a lot of pancakes.
-Follow an idea for a ghost story to see where it leads.

 Lastly, my wishes for you:

-Take a nap with a loved one in a place where the sunlight falls to keep you warm.
-Hold hands with someone whenever you can.  You have no idea how good it feels to connect in such a simple way.
-Read often.
-Trust and follow your heart always.
-Lose an argument on purpose.  Leave that crucial closing argument or critical piece of evidence out.
-Appreciate the possibilities of a yoga room...
-Give some new music a chance.
-Create something.  A new language, a code, a new incredible hot dog ingredient, whatever.  Or just mash stuff together like this:
ypalaulsreemdnaieliwkcesilwtilbaicolootsilrps (sagnolsauoyt'nowetahemrofgnivigti).  Create!  It's easy!

Happy twenty ten, dear reader.

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